In The News

Start­up Kinet­ic rolls out robots to fix elec­tric cars, and some­day robotaxis

A collision repair business for the era of electric and autonomous vehicles, Kinetic Automation, has raised $21 million in a series B round of venture funding.

In The News
Kinetic founders Nikhil Naikal, Sander Marques, and Christopher Weber

Com­pa­ny mod­ern­izes col­li­sion repair recal­i­bra­tion process

Startup company Kinetic uses robots and software to ensure advanced driver-assist sensors are working properly.

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Automotive News

How Kinet­ic aims to trans­form dig­i­tal EV repair and maintenance…

Kinetic is a company aiming to transform the aftermarket for electric vehicles (EVs) with a business model that rhymes with cloud infrastructure-as-a-service.

In The News

Kinet­ic rais­es $10M to build EV ser­vice centers

Kinetic Automation has closed a $10 million Series A to expand its network of electric vehicle–focused service centers.

In The News

Effortless modern
vehicle maintenance

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